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Public API resources

The public API is Transiter's main API and is used to query transit data from Transiter. It's a read-only API and designed to be reachable from the internet.

Transiter's other API is the private admin API which is used to manage the Transiter deployment.

The public API is based on the following resource hierarchy:

|- Agency
|- Alert
|- Feed
|- Route
|   |- Trip
|- Shape
|- Stop
|- Transfer
|- Vehicle

For each resource there is a protobuf message type, a list endpoint, and a get endpoint. In the HTTP API, the structure of the response is based on the protobuf message type.

The URLs in the HTTP API are determined by the resource hierarchy; thus:

  • List all systems has URL /systems,
  • Get system with ID <system_id> has URL /systems/<system_id>,
  • List all routes in the system has URL /systems/<system_id>/routes,
  • Get route has URL /systems/<system_id>/routes/<route_id>,

and so on.

The following table summarizes all of the resources and their types. The right-most column describes the source of the resource. The public API is a read-only API so all of the resources come from somewhere else.

Resource List endpoint Get endpoint Source
Agency ListAgencies GetAgency GTFS static
Alert ListAlerts GetAlert GTFS realtime
Feed ListFeeds GetFeed System configuration
Route ListRoutes GetRoute GTFS static
Shape ListShapes GetShape GTFS static
Stop ListStops GetStop GTFS static
System ListSystems GetSystem System configuration
Transfer ListTransfers GetTransfer GTFS static
Trip ListTrips GetTrip GTFS realtime
Vehicle ListVehicles GetVehicle GTFS realtime

Many resources refer to other resources across the hierarchy. For example, each route has an agency it is attached to. Each stop has a list of service maps, and each service map contains a set of routes. In these situations the resource message contains a reference to the other resource. The Route message contains an agency reference, in the form of an Agency.Reference message. These reference messages contain at least enough information to uniquely identify the resource. However they also contain additional information that is considered generally useful. For example, the Stop.Reference message contains the stop's name. What counts as "considered generally" is obviously subjective and open to change.


The Agency resource.

This resource corresponds to the agency.txt table in the GTFS static specification. Most of the fields in the resource come directly from the agency.txt table. Transiter adds some additional related fields (routes, alerts).

Field Type Description
id string ID of the agency. This is the agency_id column in agency.txt.
resource Resource Generic metadata about the agency resource.
system System.Reference System corresponding to this agency. This is the parent resource in Transiter's resource hierarchy.
name string Name of the agency. This is the agency_name column in agency.txt.
url string URL of the agency. This is the agency_url column in agency.txt.
timezone string Timezone of the agency. This is the agency_timezone column in agency.txt.
language string Language of the agency. This is the agency_lang column in agency.txt.
phone string Phone number of the agency. This is the agency_phone column in agency.txt.
fare_url string URL where tickets for the agency's services ban be bought. This is the agency_fare_url column in agency.txt.
email string Email address of the agency. This is the agency_email column in agency.txt.
routes Route.Reference List of routes operating under this agency.

These are determined using the agency_id column in routes.txt.
alerts Alert.Reference List of active alerts for the agency.

These are determined using the informed_entity field in the GTFS realtime alerts message.


Reference type for the agency resource.

Field Type Description
id string Same as the parent message.
resource Resource Same as the parent message.
system System.Reference Same as the parent message.
name string Same as the parent message.


The Alert resource.

This resource corresponds to the alert message in the GTFS realtime specification.

Field Type Description
id string ID of the alert. This corresponds to the ID field in the feed entity message corresponding to the alert.
resource Resource Generic metadata about the alert resource.
system System.Reference System corresponding to this alert. This is the parent resource in Transiter's resource hierarchy.
cause Alert.Cause Cause of the alert. This corresponds to the cause field in the realtime alert message.
effect Alert.Effect Effect of the alert. This corresponds to the effect field in the realtime alert message.
current_active_period Alert.ActivePeriod The current active period, if the alert is currently active. If the alert is not active this is empty.
all_active_periods Alert.ActivePeriod All active periods for this alert. Transiter guarantees that these active periods have no overlap.
header Alert.Text Header of the alert, in zero or more languages. This corresponds to the header_text field in the realtime alert message.
description Alert.Text Description of the alert, in zero or more languages. This corresponds to the description_text field in the realtime alert message.
url Alert.Text URL for additional information about the alert, in zero or more languages. This corresponds to the url field in the realtime alert message.


The active period message describes a period when an alert is active. It corresponds the the time range message in the GTFS realtime specification.

Field Type Description
starts_at int64 Unix timestamp of the start time of the active period. If not set, the alert be interpreted as being always active up to the end time.
ends_at int64 Unix timestamp of the end time of the active period. If not set, the alert be interpreted as being indefinitely active.


Cause is the same as the cause enum in the GTFS realtime specification, except UNKNOWN_CAUSE has value 0 instead of 1 to satisfy protobuf3 requirements.

Name Number Description


Effect is the same as the effect enum in the GTFS realtime specification, except UNKNOWN_EFFECT has value 0 instead of 1 to satisfy protobuf3 requirements.

Name Number Description


Reference type for the agency resource.

Field Type Description
id string Same as the parent message.
resource Resource Same as the parent message.
system System.Reference Same as the parent message.
cause Alert.Cause Same as the parent message.
effect Alert.Effect Same as the parent message.


The text message describes an alert header/description/URL in a specified language. It corresponds the the translation message in the GTFS realtime specification.

Field Type Description
text string Content of the text.
language string Language of this text.


Description of a collection of child resources for a resource. This message only exists to support API discoverability.

Field Type Description
count int64 Number of child resources.
path string Full path of the child resources. For example, for routes this is systems/<system_id>/routes and for trips it is systems/<system_id>/routes/<route_id>/trips.
url string URL of the endpoint to list child resources. This is populated if the X-Transiter-Host HTTP header is provided in the request. See the deployment documentation for more information.


The feed resource.

Each feed is defined in the system configuration file. Feeds are included in the public API because there are non-admin use-cases for this resource. For example, an app might publish the staleness of realtime data by checking the last successful feed update time.

More detailed information on a feed -- its full configuration, and the current status of its periodic updates -- can be retrieved through the admin API's GetSystemConfig endpoint.

Field Type Description
id string ID of the feed, as specified in the system configuration file.
resource Resource Generic metadata about the feed resource.
system System.Reference System corresponding to this feed. This is the parent resource in Transiter's resource hierarchy.
last_update_ms int64 Unix milliseconds timestamp of when the last update of this feed finished. There are three outcomes for each update: successful (new data is retrieved from the transit agency and persisted), skipped (the transit agency returned the same data as the last update, so there is nothing to do), and failed (something went wrong, e.g. the transit agency's feed is unavailable).
last_successful_update_ms int64 Unix milliseconds timestamp of when the last successful update of this feed finished.
last_skipped_update_ms int64 Unix milliseconds timestamp of when the last skipped update of this feed finished.
last_failed_update_ms int64 Unix milliseconds timestamp of when the last failed update of this feed finished.


Reference type for the feed resource.

Field Type Description
id string Same as the parent message.
resource Resource Same as the parent message.
system System.Reference Same as the parent message.


This message contains generic metadata that applies to all resources.

Field Type Description
path string Full path of the resource. For example, for systems this is systems/<system_id> and for routes it is systems/<system_id>/routes/<route_id>.
url string URL of the resource. This is populated if the X-Transiter-Host HTTP header is provided in the request. See the deployment documentation for more information about this header.


The Route resource.

This resource corresponds to the route type in the GTFS static specification. Most of the fields in the resource come directly from the routes.txt table. Transiter adds some additional related fields (agency, alerts) and computed fields (estimated headway, service maps).

Field Type Description
id string ID of the route. This is the route_id column in routes.txt.
resource Resource Generic metadata about the route resource.
system System.Reference System corresponding to this route. This is the parent resource in Transiter's resource hierarchy.
short_name string Short name of the route. This is the route_short_name column in routes.txt.
long_name string Long name of the route. This is the route_long_name column in routes.txt.
color string Color of the route. This is the route_color column in routes.txt.
text_color string Text color of the route. This is the route_text_color column in routes.txt.
description string Description of the route. This is the route_desc column in routes.txt.
url string URL of a web page about the route. This is the route_url column in routes.txt.
sort_order int32 Sort order of the route. This is the route_sort_order column in routes.txt.
continuous_pickup Route.ContinuousPolicy Continuous pickup policy. This is the continuous_pickup column in routes.txt.
continuous_drop_off Route.ContinuousPolicy Continuous dropoff policy. This is the continuous_dropoff column in routes.txt.
type Route.Type Type of the route. This is the route_type column in routes.txt.
agency Agency.Reference Agency this route is associated to.

This is determined using the agency_id column in routes.txt.
alerts Alert.Reference Active alerts for this route.

These are determined using the informed_entity field in the GTFS realtime alerts message.
estimated_headway int32 An estimate of the interval of time between consecutive realtime trips, in seconds.

If there is insufficient data to compute an estimate, the field will be empty.

The estimate is computed as follows. For each stop that has realtime trips for the route, the list of arrival times for those trips is examined. The difference between consecutive arrival times is calculated. If there are N trips, there will be N-1 such arrival time diffs. The estimated headway is the average of these diffs across all stops.
service_maps Route.ServiceMap List of service maps for this route.


Enum describing possible policies for continuous pickup or drop-off.

Name Number Description
ALLOWED 0 Continuous pickup or drop-off allowed.
NOT_ALLOWED 1 Continuous pickup or drop-off not allowed.
PHONE_AGENCY 2 Must phone the agency to arrange continuous pickup or drop-off.
COORDINATE_WITH_DRIVER 3 Must coordinate with driver to arrange continuous pickup or drop-off.


Reference type for the route resource.

Field Type Description
id string Same as the parent message.
resource Resource Same as the parent message.
system System.Reference Same as the parent message.
color string Same as the parent message.


Message describing the service maps view in routes.

See the service maps documentation for more information on this message and the associated field.

Field Type Description
config_id string Config ID of the service map, as specified in the system configuration file.
stops Stop.Reference Ordered list of stops at which this route calls.

This list may be empty, in which case the route has no service in the service map.


Enum describing possible route types. This corresponds to possible values of the route_type column in routes.txt.

Name Number Description


The Shape resource.

This resource corresponds to the shape type in the GTFS static specification.

Field Type Description
id string Unique ID for the shape.
points Shape.ShapePoint Ordered list of points that make up the shape.


Reference type for the shape resource.

Field Type Description
id string Same as the parent message.
resource Resource Same as the parent message.


A point within the shape.

Field Type Description
latitude double Latitude of the point.
longitude double Longitude of the point.
distance double Distance from the start of the shape to this point.


The Stop resource.

This resource corresponds to the stop type in the GTFS static specification. Most of the static fields in the resource come directly from the stops.txt table. Transiter adds some additional related fields (transfers, alerts, stop times) and computed fields (service maps).

Field Type Description
id string ID of the stop. This is the stop_id column in stops.txt.
resource Resource Generic metadata about the stop resource.
system System.Reference System corresponding to this stop. This is the parent resource in Transiter's resource hierarchy.
code string Code of the stop. This is the stop_code column in stops.txt.
name string Name of the stop. This is the stop_name column in stops.txt.
description string Description of the stop. This is the stop_desc column in stops.txt.
zone_id string Zone ID of the stop. This is the zone_id column in stops.txt.
latitude double Latitude of the stop. This is the stop_lat column in stops.txt.
longitude double Longitude of the stop. This is the stop_lon column in stops.txt.
url string URL of a webpage about the stop. This is the stop_url column in stops.txt.
type Stop.Type Type of the stop. This is the platform_type column in stops.txt.
parent_stop Stop.Reference Parent stop. This is determined using the parent_station column in stops.txt.
child_stops Stop.Reference Child stops. This are determined using the parent_station column in stops.txt.
timezone string Timezone of the stop. This is the stop_timezone column in stops.txt.
wheelchair_boarding bool If there is wheelchair boarding for this stop. This is the wheelchair_boarding column in stops.txt.
platform_code string Platform code of the stop. This is the platform_code column in stops.txt.
service_maps Stop.ServiceMap List of service maps for this stop.
alerts Alert.Reference Active alerts for this stop.

These are determined using the informed_entity field in the GTFS realtime alerts message.
stop_times StopTime List of realtime stop times for this stop.

A stop time is an event at which a trip calls at a stop.
transfers Transfer Transfers out of this stop.

These are determined using the from_stop_id field in the GTFS static transfers.txt file.
headsign_rules Stop.HeadsignRule List of headsign rules for this stop. See the message type for more information.


Message describing a headsign rule.

This message is currently only used for the New York City subway. The data in it comes from the MTA's subway stations feed.

Field Type Description
stop Stop.Reference Stop the rule is for.
priority int32 Priority of the rule (lower is higher priority).
track string NYCT track.
headsign string Headsign for trains arriving on the track.


Reference type for the stop resource.

Field Type Description
id string Same as the parent message.
resource Resource Same as the parent message.
system System.Reference Same as the parent message.
name string Same as the parent message.


Message describing the service maps view in stops.

See the service maps documentation for more information on this message and the associated field.

Field Type Description
config_id string Config ID of the service map, as specified in the system configuration file.
routes Route.Reference List of routes which call at this stop.

This list may be empty, in which case the stop has no service in the service map.


Enum describing the possible stop types

Name Number Description


Message describing a realtime stop time.

A stop time is an event in which a trip calls at a stop. This message corresponds to the GTFS realtime StopTimeUpdate message.

Field Type Description
stop Stop.Reference The stop.
trip Trip.Reference The trip.
destination Stop.Reference The last stop the trip calls at. Only populated for StopTime messages returned in Stops. For Trip messages, the destination can be determined from the list of stop times in the message.
vehicle Vehicle.Reference Vehicle corresponding to this trip, if set. Only populated for StopTime messages returned in Stops. For Trip messages, the vehicle is contained in the message itself.
arrival StopTime.EstimatedTime Arrival time.
departure StopTime.EstimatedTime Departure time.
future bool If this stop time is in the future. This field is not based on the arrival or departure time. Instead, a stop time is considered in the future if it appeared in the most recent GTFS realtime feed for its trip. When this stop time disappears from the trip, Transiter marks it as in the past and freezes its data.
stop_sequence int32 Stop sequence.
headsign string Headsign.
track string Track, from the NYCT realtime extension.


Message describing the arrival or departure time of a stop time. This corresponds to the GTFS realtime StopTimeEvent message.

Field Type Description
time int64 Time of arrival.
delay int32 Delay from the scheduled time.
uncertainty int32 Measure of the uncertainty of the data in this message.


The System resource.

Field Type Description
id string ID of the system as specified in the install request.
resource Resource Generic metadata about the system resource.
name string Name of the system as specified in the system configuration file.
status System.Status Status of the system.
agencies ChildResources The system's agencies.
feeds ChildResources The system's feeds.
routes ChildResources The system's routes.
stops ChildResources The system's stops.
transfers ChildResources The system's transfers.


Reference type for the system resource.

Field Type Description
id string Same as the parent message.
resource Resource Same as the parent message.


Enum describing the possible statuses of a system.

Name Number Description
UNKNOWN 0 Unknown status, included for protobuf reasons.
INSTALLING 1 The system is currently being installed through an asynchronous install request.
ACTIVE 2 The system was successfully installed and is now active.
INSTALL_FAILED 3 The system was added through an asynchronous install request, but the install failed.
UPDATING 4 The system is currently being updated through an asynchronous update request.
UPDATE_FAILED 5 An asynchronous update of the system failed.
DELETING 6 The system is in the process of being deleted through an asynchronous delete request.


The Transfer resource.

This resource corresponds to the transfer table in the GTFS static specification.

Field Type Description
id string Unique ID for the transfer. This is generated by Transiter because in the GTFS static spec transfers do not have IDs.
resource Resource Generic metadata about the transfer resource.
system System.Reference System corresponding to this transfer. This is the parent resource in Transiter's resource hierarchy.
from_stop Stop.Reference Beginning stop of the transfer. This is determined using the from_stop_id column in transfers.txt.
to_stop Stop.Reference Ending stop of the transfer. This is determined using the to_stop_id column in transfers.txt.
type Transfer.Type Type of the transfer.
min_transfer_time int32 Minimum time required for the transfer, in seconds. This is the min_transfer_time column in transfers.txt.


Types of transfers. The supported types are described in the documentation for the transfer_type column in the GTFS static transfers.txt table.

Name Number Description


The Trip resource.

This resource corresponds to the trip update type in the GTFS static specification.

Field Type Description
id string ID of the trip.
resource Resource Generic metadata about the trip resource.
route Route.Reference Route corresponding to this trip. This is the parent resource in Transiter's resource hierarchy. It is determined using the route_id field in the GTFS realtime feed.
started_at int64 Time the trip started at.
vehicle Vehicle.Reference Vehicle corresponding to the trip.
direction_id bool Direction ID of the trip.
stop_times StopTime Stop times of the trip.
shape Shape.Reference Shape of the trip.
alerts Alert.Reference Active alerts for this trip.

These are determined using the informed_entity field in the GTFS realtime alerts message.


Reference type for the trip resource.

Field Type Description
id string Same as the parent message.
resource Resource Same as the parent message.
route Route.Reference Same as the parent message.
destination Stop.Reference The last stop this trip calls at. This field is only populated in trip references in StopTime messages. It is deprecated in favor of the destination field on the StopTime message itself, and will be removed in v2.
vehicle Vehicle.Reference Vehicle corresponding to this trip. This field is only populated in trip references in StopTime messages. It is deprecated in favor of the destination field on the StopTime message itself, and will be removed in v2.
direction_id bool Same as the parent message.


The Vehicle resource.

This resource corresponds to the vehicle position type in the GTFS static specification.

Field Type Description
id string A unique ID for the vehicle.
trip Trip.Reference A reference to the vehicle's trip.
latitude double The vehicle's current latitude.
longitude double The vehicle's current longitude.
bearing float The vehicle's current bearing.
odometer double The vehicle's current odometer reading.
speed float The vehicle's current speed.
stop_sequence int32 The stop sequence index of the vehicle's current stop.
stop Stop.Reference A reference to the vehicle's current stop.
current_status Vehicle.CurrentStatus The vehicle's current status.
updated_at int64 The timestamp of the last update to the vehicle's position.
congestion_level Vehicle.CongestionLevel The vehicle's current congestion level.
occupancy_status Vehicle.OccupancyStatus The vehicle's current occupancy status.
occupancy_percentage int32 The percentage of seats occupied.


Corresponds to CongestionLevel.

Name Number Description


Corresponds to VehicleStopStatus.

Name Number Description


Corresponds to OccupancyStatus.

Name Number Description


Reference type for the vehicle resource.

Field Type Description
id string Same as the parent message.
resource Resource Same as the parent message.

Other types