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Public API endpoints

API entrypoint


Provides basic information about this Transiter instance and the transit systems it contains.

Request: EntrypointRequest

Request payload for the entrypoint endpoint.

No fields.

Response: EntrypointReply

Response payload for the entrypoint endpoint.

Field Type Description
transiter EntrypointReply.TransiterDetails Version and other information about this Transiter binary.
systems ChildResources Systems that are installed in this Transiter instance.


Message containing version information about a Transiter binary.

Field Type Description
version string The version of the Transiter binary this instance is running.
url string URL of the Transiter GitHub repository.

List systems

GET /systems

List all transit systems that are installed in this Transiter instance.

Request: ListSystemsRequest

Request payload for the list systems endpoint.

No fields.

Response: ListSystemsReply

Response payload for the list systems endpoint.

Field Type Description
systems System List of systems.

Get system

GET /systems/<system_id>

Get a system by its ID.

Request: GetSystemRequest

Request payload for the get system endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system to get.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.

Response: System

List agencies

GET /systems/<system_id>/agencies

List all agencies in a system.

Request: ListAgenciesRequest

Request payload for the list agencies endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system for which to list agencies.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.

Response: ListAgenciesReply

Response payload for the list agencies endpoint.

Field Type Description
agencies Agency List of agencies.

Get agency

GET /systems/<system_id>/agencies/<agency_id>

Get an agency in a system by its ID.

Request: GetAgencyRequest

Request payload for the get agency endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system the agency is in.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
agency_id string ID of the agency.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.

Response: Agency

List stops

GET /systems/<system_id>/stops

List all stops in a system.

This endpoint is paginated. If there are more results, the next_id field of the response will be populated. To get more results, make the same request with the first_id field set to the value of next_id in the response.

Request: ListStopsRequest

Request payload for the list stops endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system for which to list stops.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
search_mode ListStopsRequest.SearchMode The type of search to perform when listing stops.
only_return_specified_ids bool Deprecated: use filter_by_id instead.
filter_by_id bool If true, only return stops whose IDs are specified in the repeated id field. Only supported when the search mode is ID.
id string IDs to return if filter_by_id is set to true. It is an error to populate this field if filter_by_id is false. Only supported when the search mode is ID.
filter_by_type bool If true, only return stops whose types are specified in the repeated type field.
type Stop.Type Types to filter by if filter_by_type is set to true. It is an error to populate this field if filter_by_id is false.
first_id string ID of the first stop to return. If not set, the stop with the smallest ID will be first. Only supported when the search mode is ID.
limit int32 Maximum number of stops to return. This is supported in all search modes. For performance reasons, if it is larger than 100 it is rounded down to 100.
skip_stop_times bool If true, the stop times field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.
skip_service_maps bool If true, the service maps field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.
skip_alerts bool If true, the alerts field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.
skip_transfers bool If true, the transfers field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.
max_distance double The maximum distance in kilometers that a stop must be from latitude, longitude to be listed when using DISTANCE search mode.
latitude double The latitude relative to the returned stops when using DISTANCE search mode.
longitude double The longitude relative to the returned stops when using DISTANCE search mode.


The possible search modes when listing stops.

Name Number Description
ID 0 Return a paginated list of stops sorted by stop ID.
DISTANCE 1 Return all stops within max_distance of (latitude, longitude), sorted by the distance.

Response: ListStopsReply

Response payload for the list stops endpoint.

Field Type Description
stops Stop List of stops.
next_id string ID of the next stop to return, if there are more results.

Get stop

GET /systems/<system_id>/stops/<stop_id>

Get a stop in a system by its ID.

Request: GetStopRequest

Request payload for the get stop endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system the stop is in.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
stop_id string ID of the stop.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
skip_stop_times bool If true, the stop times field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.
skip_service_maps bool If true, the service maps field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.
skip_alerts bool If true, the alerts field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.
skip_transfers bool If true, the transfers field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.

Response: Stop

List routes

GET /systems/<system_id>/routes

List all routes in a system.

Request: ListRoutesRequest

Request payload for the list routes endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system for which to list routes.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
skip_estimated_headways bool If true, the estimated headway fields will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.
skip_service_maps bool If true, the service maps field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.
skip_alerts bool If true, the alerts field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.

Response: ListRoutesReply

Response payload for the list routes endpoint.

Field Type Description
routes Route List of routes.

Get route

GET /systems/<system_id>/routes/<route_id>

Get a route in a system by its ID.

Request: GetRouteRequest

Request payload for the get route endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system the route is in.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
route_id string ID of the route.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
skip_estimated_headways bool If true, the estimated headway field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.
skip_service_maps bool If true, the service maps field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.
skip_alerts bool If true, the alerts field will not be populated. This will generally make the response faster to generate.

Response: Route

List trips

GET /systems/<system_id>/routes/<route_id>/trips

List all trips in a route.

Request: ListTripsRequest

Request payload for the list trips endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system the route is in.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
route_id string ID of the route for which to list trips

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.

Response: ListTripsReply

Response payload for the list trips endpoint.

Field Type Description
trips Trip List of trips.

Get trip

GET /systems/<system_id>/routes/<route_id>/trips/<trip_id>

Get a trip by its ID.

Request: GetTripRequest

Request payload for the get trip endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system the trip is in.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
route_id string ID of the route the trip is in.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
trip_id string ID of the route.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.

Response: Trip

List alerts

GET /systems/<system_id>/alerts

List all alerts in a system. By default this endpoint returns both active alerts (alerts which have an active period containing the current time) and non-active alerts.

Request: ListAlertsRequest

Request payload for the list alerts endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system for which to list alerts.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
alert_id string If non-empty, only alerts with the provided IDs are returned. This is interpreted as a filtering condition, so it is not an error to provide non-existent IDs.

If empty, all alerts in the system are returned. TODO: add a boolean filter_on_alert_ids field

Response: ListAlertsReply

Response payload for the list alerts endpoint.

Field Type Description
alerts Alert List of alerts.

Get alert

GET /systems/<system_id>/alerts/<alert_id>

Get an alert by its ID.

Request: GetAlertRequest

Request payload for the get alert endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system the alert is in.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
alert_id string ID of the alert.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.

Response: Alert

List transfers

GET /systems/<system_id>/transfers

List all transfers in a system.

Request: ListTransfersRequest

Request payload for the list transfers endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system for which to list transfers.

Response: ListTransfersReply

Response payload for the list transfers endpoint.

Field Type Description
transfers Transfer List of transfers.

Get transfer

GET /systems/<system_id>/transfers/<transfer_id>

Get a transfer by its ID.

Request: GetTransferRequest

Request payload for the get transfer endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system the transfer is in.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
transfer_id string ID of the transfer.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.

Response: Transfer

List feeds

GET /systems/<system_id>/feeds

List all feeds for a system.

Request: ListFeedsRequest

Request payload for the list feeds endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system for which to list feeds.

Response: ListFeedsReply

Response payload for the list feeds endpoint.

Field Type Description
feeds Feed List of feeds.

Get feed

GET /systems/<system_id>/feeds/<feed_id>

Get a feed in a system by its ID.

Request: GetFeedRequest

Request payload for the get feed endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system the feed is in.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
feed_id string ID of the feed.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.

Response: Feed

List vehicles

GET /systems/<system_id>/vehicles

List all feeds for a system.

Request: ListVehiclesRequest

Request payload for the list vehicles endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system for which to list vehicles.
search_mode ListVehiclesRequest.SearchMode The type of search to perform when listing vehicles.
only_return_specified_ids bool Deprecated: use filter_by_id instead.
filter_by_id bool If true, only return vehicles whose IDs are specified in the repeated id field. Only supported when the search mode is ID.
id string IDs to return if filter_by_id is set to true. It is an error to populate this field if filter_by_id is false. Only supported when the search mode is ID.
first_id string ID of the first vehicle to return. If not set, the vehicle with the smallest ID will be first. Only supported when the search mode is ID.
limit int32 Maximum number of vehicles to return. This is supported in all search modes. For performance reasons, if it is larger than 100 it is rounded down to 100.
max_distance double The maximum distance in kilometers that a vehicle must be from latitude, longitude to be listed when using DISTANCE search mode.
latitude double The latitude relative to the returned vehicles when using DISTANCE search mode.
longitude double The longitude relative to the returned vehicles when using DISTANCE search mode.


Available search modes when listing vehicles.

Name Number Description
ID 0 Return a paginated list of vehicles sorted by vehicle ID.
DISTANCE 1 Return all vehicles within max_distance of (latitude, longitude), sorted by the distance.

Response: ListVehiclesReply

Response payload for the list vehicles endpoint.

Field Type Description
vehicles Vehicle List of vehicles.
next_id string ID of the next vehicle to return, if there are more results.

Get vehicle

GET /systems/<system_id>/vehicles/<vehicle_id>

Get a vehicle in a system by its ID.

Request: GetVehicleRequest

Request payload for the get vehicle endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string ID of the system the vehicle is in.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.
vehicle_id string ID of the vehicle.

This is a URL parameter in the HTTP API.

Response: Vehicle

List shapes

GET /systems/<system_id>/shapes

List all shapes in a system.

Request: ListShapesRequest

Request payload for the list shapes endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string System to list shapes for.
only_return_specified_ids bool Deprecated: use filter_by_id instead.
filter_by_id bool If true, only return shapes whose IDs are specified in the repeated id field.
id string IDs to return if filter_by_id is set to true. It is an error to populate this field if filter_by_id is false.
first_id string ID of the first shape to return. If not set, the shape with the smallest ID will be first.
limit int32 Maximum number of shapes to return.

Response: ListShapesReply

Response payload for the list shapes endpoint.

Field Type Description
shapes Shape Shapes that were listed.
next_id string ID of the next shape to list, if there are more results.

Get shape

GET /systems/<system_id>/shapes/<shape_id>

Get a shape in a system by its ID.

Request: GetShapeRequest

Request payload for the get shape endpoint.

Field Type Description
system_id string System to get shape for.
shape_id string ID of the shape to get.

Response: Shape